Essential Worker Thank Yous

“An example to us all”

My girlfriend and I work for the Chili’s in Evanston, IL. Dan has been a regular face to us for many years. He has always been our most appreciated person to walk in the door. I say person because Dan is not just another “customer” to us. He has been an amazing person to talk and listen to. Always treat us and anyone else around at the time with the utmost respect. His kindness is easily noticed by all that are lucky enough to interact with him. We have often mentioned him to others outside of work, to the people we love, about what a wonderful person he is. So Dan, thank you not only for the $100 you gave each of us and all of the other generous things you have done for us over the years, but thank you for being the sweet and compassionate person you are. You are an example to us all. Thank you Dan!

~ Dan
Evanston Illinois

The $100 for one hundred concept is for lawyers and law firms throughout the United States to give back to those who have so selflessly and tirelessly provided them with essential services.